The Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company open joint-stock company (originally the Bobruisk fertilizer application plant) was built in 1974 and is currently one of the largest agricultural machinery manufacturing companies in the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries.
Construction of the plant was started in November 1971. For this, in the area of the northern industrial hub of the city of Bobruisk, an area of 32 hectares was allocated. Duration of construction in accordance with the approved standards was 36 months. The first 11 prototypes of the RJT-8 liquid organic fertilizer spreader were released in September 1975. In total, 250 were produced on temporary areas in the first year of the plant’s operation.
The design capacity of the plant is 26 thousand cars per year. It was achieved in 1981. In the initial period, the plant produced 4 samples of machines: - RJT-8 liquid organic fertilizer spreader with a lifting capacity of 8 tons; - organic fertilizer spreader PRT-10 with a carrying capacity of 10 tons; - RJT-16 liquid organic fertilizer spreader with a carrying capacity of 16 tons; - organic fertilizer spreader PRT-16 with a carrying capacity of 16 tons.
With the beginning of economic reforms in the territory of the former Soviet Union, it became clear to the enterprise team that in order to survive in the new conditions, it was necessary to expand the product range. It was decided to manufacture machines for the mechanization of fodder harvesting.
The first was launched the production of round balers of the PRF type. Currently, the company produces sorters of various modifications - PRF-180, PRF-145, PRF-110, so that they are used both on the farm and on the collective farm. In addition, small presses make it possible to mechanize flax harvesting.
In 2005, RUPP "Bobruiskagromash" was transformed into an open joint-stock company "Bobruiskagromash". Today, in addition to the plant itself, the enterprise includes a separate structural unit of the SEC "Beresnevsky" of the Kirov region of the Mogilev region.
Today the Bobruiskagromash plant is the largest producer of agricultural machinery and equipment in the CIS and Baltic countries. The trademark of our company is known in France, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Canada, Argentina and other countries of Europe, Central and South America. The equipment is also supplied to Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Moldova, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia and others. Machines for harvesting feed are in special demand in the markets of these countries.
In 2012, the Bobruiskagromash Holding was established. According to the Decree of the Council of Ministers dated October 19, 2012 No. 948, Bobruiskagromash OJSC became the managing company of the Bobruiskagromash holding company and was renamed the Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company OJSC.
The holding includes the following enterprises: OAO Bobruiskelselmash, OAO Orshaagroprommash, OAO Technolit Polotsk, OAO Molodechno Machine Tool Plant, OAO NIIistromavtoliniya.