Quality Management System

The quality management system of Joint Stock Company "Bobruiskagromash" is certified for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001 2015 in the national system for compliance statement of the Republic of Belarus by the certification authority for management systems BelGISS.

The quality management system operating in the enterprise is a modern management tool that provides continuous quality improvement through analysis and improvement:

- the processes of the quality management system operating in the enterprise;

- feedback from the consumer about the products;

- mutually beneficial relations with suppliers;

- increasing staff competence and qualification.

Nowadays, in the quality management system of the company there are 9 processes and 60 standards that cover all aspects of its activities. The main documents of the quality management system are “Quality policy” and “Quality guide”.

Quality management system certificate

Quality management policy of JSC "Bobruiskagromash"

Risk management policy of JSC "Bobruiskagromash"