Timber trucks MLV-11M designed for year-round transport of ranges in length from 2 to 6 meters from the forest plots and transportation for short distances on public roads, as well as the loading and...
The mineral fertilizers distributor RU-7000 is designed for transportation and surface application of mineral fertilizers, limestone materials and chemical ameliorants. The mineral fertilizer distributor...
Front disc grass-mowing machine KDF-310 is designed for mowing natural and sown herbs with the laying of moved mass in roll. It can be supplied with a bilo-deco activator or bruising rollers to accelerate...
Rotor rakes GR-700P are designed for raking grass, including withered and freshly cut, from swaths to rolls, tumbling it in swaths, wrapping, spreading and doubling of rolls. The rakes have the...
The semi-trailer designed for year-round extraction of ranges in length from 2 to 6 meters from the forest plots and transportation for short distances on public roads. Semi-trailer axle equipped with drum...
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