Machine for planting of seedlings MPS-2M is designed for planting of fruit trees seedlings and shrubs. It can be also used in forestry.
The process of planting is following: seedlings for planting are placed on both sides of the machine. 2-3 operators sit down on special seats and perform the following functions:
One operator directly puts seedlings into the furrow, the other two transmit the seedlings to the first one by turn directly into hands, taking (removing) seedlings from the machine platform.
During the process of machine movement, filling the furrow up is carried out after installing the seedling into a furrow with the help of two dumps (fillers).
The rear wheels compact the soil in the area of roots. The area (field) for planting can be previously marked with the lines (small furrows) for uniform replacement of trees, shrubs (seedlings).
MPS-2M machine can be used also for planting of vineyards.
Bobruiskagromash Holding Management Company Open Joint-Stock Company offers agricultural producers leasing services for agricultural machinery
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